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More Team Members›Corporate Sponsors
We wish to thank our corporate sponsors for their generous support of The LSU Advanced Education in Periodontics program. Please visit and support our corporate partners.
Journal Club
Approximately 7 times during the academic year current periodontal and implant journals are reviewed. 18 articles of interest are selected for abstracting and are discussed.
Advanced Surgery and Implants
Our complete seminar series for site analysis, preparation and implant procedures, including the biologic principles involved, case selection and handling complications.
Unlimited Sidebars
The theme comes with a dynamic sidebar generation functionality.
Custom Typography
Friendly user interface to implement the default web-safe fonts and Google API Fonts.
Translation Ready
We have included .po file for translation of all the built-in (front-end) words in the theme.
Multiple Blog Layouts
Standard, full-width, two columns masonry, three columns masonry and two columns with sidebar.
WooCommerce Support
Story comes with WooCommerce support, with custom designs and an AJAX Shopping Cart.
Extensive Documentation
Detailed documentation, which includes examples, screenshots and all the main instructions.
Mega Menu
Out of the box mega menu support, you can easily activate a mega menu per parent menu item.
Retina Dispaly
Retina display optimizations for all the main graphics used in the theme's design.
Parallax Slides And Sections
Parallax effects in content slider, full-width background sections, services boxes animations.
Advanced Content Editor
Unique set of buttons that allows you to directly insert the various elements into your content editor.
Unlimited Colors
Change all the main theme colors, such as header, main content, sidebar, footer or text colors.
Responsive Design
The theme fits and looks great on different screens and devices – desktop, mobile and tablets.
Custom Headers
Select a background image, image opacity, custom colors and custom page title/subtitle.
Advanced AJAX Gallery
Seven item types, masonry layouts, multiple columns, partial loading, unlimited gallery pages
Fullscreen Slider
Tell your story on a full canvas with our customizable and flexible fullscreen slider
Useful Support
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Smart Admin
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Eco Friendly
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Our services
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