Support LSU Perio and receive GeauxPerio Access is an online literature resource for the exclusive use of department faculty, current residents and LSU Perio alumni.  Aumni access is granted to donors of either The LSUHSC Foundation Periodontics Support Fund or The LSUHSC Foundation Perio Resident Education and Research Fund. Access is limited to those individuals making annual contributions.

Content most valuable to practicing periodontists include:

  1. Access to the ABP Board Re certification module where abstracts from the required reading list are found saving the busy periodontist countless hours finding these references on their own
  2. The Journal Club, which is a digest of current literature abstracts in Periodontics and Implantology

If you would like to have access to this site, you may do so by making a contribution to The LSU Department of Periodontics as described below.

Suggested donation amounts are as follows, however ANY gift is greatly appreciated:
$250  USD for recent graduates from years 1 to 4 after graduation.
$500  USD for graduates 5 years or more since graduation.
$1000 USD for Leadership Status

These are only “suggested amounts.”  Leadership Contributors are certainly encouraged to continue giving according to their desire and ability. Leadership contributors donating at levels of $1000 or more will receive complementary invitations to CE events at The LSU School of Dentistry.

Our preferred method to receive your contribution is by check

Make checks payable to the “LSUHSC Foundation- Periodontics Resident Research and Education Support Fund.” Use the contribution form link below and mail your gift to:

Gerald H. Evans, DDS
Head, Department of Periodontics
LSUHSC School of Dentistry
1100 Florida Ave., Box 6
New Orleans, LA 70119-2799




  • Designing and maintaining a website such as this is costly.  Your donations to either LSUHSC Foundations do not support this site.  If you would like to make a small, second contribution to support the design, hosting and maintenance of the GeauxPerio site you may do so through PayPal by using the following link:  Any contribution is appreciated, but is not required for site access.

Thank you in advance for your generous support of LSU Periodontics.

Steven Spindler DDS

LSUSD Class of ’81

LSUSD Perio ’83

If you are interested in accessing similar content, however and did not attend LSU Periodontics, please visit

You can send your gift online through the secure LSUHSC Foundation website—Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards are accepted. However, the foundation at times does not inform us of your contribution in a timely manner. If you have made a contribution, but have not received the proper credentials to access the site, please notify me by email at

Go to: a href=””>
In the drop down “designation” menu, verify the appropriate fund for your contribution is highlighted, which is Periodontics Resident Research and Education Support Fund.

Following completion of your gift, please be sure to inform me by separate email to so I can be sure website access is granted for you.