Periodontal Microsurgery at LSU Perio

Did You Know……. 

The advanced training program at LSU Health School of Dentistry in Periodontics is one of only two residency programs offering comprehensive training in microsurgery?  Each year, our residents train side by side with periodontists who have multi-decades of experience using microscopes in periodontal procedures.  The residents complete several table top procedures and then are able to render this important minimally invasive service in our clinic. Our clinic is equipped with five Global Surgical microscopes. No other training program gives you the number of hours of training like LSU Periodontics does.

Minimally invasive procedures accomplished with periodontal microsurgery cause far less trauma and wounds heal faster. This translates into happier patients and that leads to increased referrals from all of the positive feedback your patients will provide.

Another significant benefit to performing periodontal microsurgery is that it forces the surgeon into a favorable ergonomic position. Over time, this leads to longer careers because of reduced cervical and lumbar strain. This benefit is illustrated in the photos at the bottom of the page.

Check back to this page later as we will be adding a gallery of procedural photos with final healing.

The ergonomic benefits of periodontal microsurgery:


Example of table top exercise:

And in the clinic…..